ये हैं दुनिया की सबसे बड़े कूल्हों वाली महिला, इसी खासियत की वजह से लाखों कमाती हैं

आपने अक्सर महिलाओं के बड़े कूल्हें देखें होंगे लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं की बड़े कूल्हे  होना भी रिकॉर्ड है और महिलाएं इनसे लाखों रुपए कमा लेती हैं। जी हां दुनिया की सबसे चौड़े कूल्हें बॉबी जो वेस्टले के हैं जिनकी उम्र वाली 43 साल है और ये पेंसिलवानिया की एक मॉडल हैं। 

वो कहती है कि मैं अपने शरीर से बहुत खुश हूं। मैं आज अपने हिप्स की वजह से दुनिया भर में चर्चित हूं। ये मेरे शरीर की ऐसी पहली चीज है जिसे लोग मुझसे मिलते ही नोटिस करते हैं। 
Woman risks her life to have the World's Biggest Hips . . A 37-stone woman desperate to secure the record for having world's biggest hips has been warned she is a "ticking time bomb" and could die at any moment - but she simply doesn't care. . . Married Bobbi-Jo Westley is now four inches off drawing level with the current record holder Mikel Ruffinelli - who has hips measuring 99 inches apart. But despite being told to shed weight ,the 42-year-old insists she "wants to be remembered for something". . She said: "I understand that I'm putting myself at risk by trying to get the world's biggest hips. I am worried about my health sometimes because of my size - I know that it is not healthy. . . My doctor asked me if I had ever considered gastric bypass and I do have a fear of dying. But it's just something that I have to do and I take it one day at a time. I want to be remembered for something, and I think having the world's biggest hips is what I was meant to be remembered for." . . Her supersized hips have already earned her a supersized following, with legions of fans from around the globe buying and trading her pictures online. Bobbi, who lives in York, Pennsylvania with her husband, said: "My hips are what makes me unique. It's what makes me 'me'. . . When I realised that there where men out there who like my shape, I was kind of surprised. I get all kinds of presents and messages from my fans, some of them ask 'will you marry me?' which is kind of hard because I'm already married. When I get people on social media who say I am fat, I really don't react to it. Because I am fat."
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इतनी वजन होने के बाद भी इनका कहना है कि वो ज्यादातर सलाद ही खाती है। और उनका 
वजन थॉयराइड की वजह से बढ़ा है। वो बताती हैं कि उन्हें सलाद खाना बहुत पसंद है।
वो चिकन, मक्खन, चावल भी बहुत चाव से खाती हैं। वो मीठे की बहुत ज्यादा शौकीन नहीं हैं लेकिन उन्हें केक खाना पसंद है। 
MEET BOBBI- JO, THE OBESE WOMAN WHO MAKES A FORTUNE BY FLAUNTING HER HIPS ONLINE Weighing 222kg and with 8ft hips, Bobbi-Jo Westley’s figure doesn’t for the general perception of sexy but that is exactly what makes her appealing to some. The 43-year-old model, from Pennsylvania, is known in the Super Size Big Beautiful Women modelling community for extreme figure and fans love her so much they pay for erotic webcam sessions. She said: “I’m very confident and it’s my body so if I want to show the world me naked or in bra and panties that’s what I choose to do. I’m famous for my hips and for my butt. It’s the first thing that people notice.” Bobbi claims her enormous size is due to a thyroid condition rather than eating habits. She said: “I love salad; I can eat it all day. I also like barbecue chicken and barbecue pork chops. I love macaroni and cheese and I love rice too. I’m not much of a sweet eater but I do like big cakes.” The mother of five got into modelling last year after being approached online. Even though she’s always been a bit big, she added on weight after every of her five pregnancies and due to the development of an under-active thyroid. Business is so lucrative she makes $2000-a-month – N704000 -from her webcam sessions under her stage name Ultimate Pear. She receives 40-50 Facebook messages a day from men requesting explicit pictures and webcam sessions – which can last from anything from a few minutes to an hour. Bobbi said: “People often think it is fake and that I have had surgeries. But I’m definitely 100 per cent real. There is nothing fake about these curves. I get 40-50 messages a day from men asking if they can marry me or have a baby with me. They really like my confidence. “I’ve had men who I never thought would want me but have tried to pull me. They come from all over the world – the UK, Australia, India, Unites States – it’s hard to keep track.” #womenofrubies #news #obesity #bobbijo #fat #socialmedia #onlinemarketing #
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इतना ही नही बॉबी जो वेस्टले अपनी इसी खासियत से लाखों रुपए कमा लेती है। इस लड़की का वजन 222 किलो है और इससके कूल्हे 8 फीट चौड़े हैं। 

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